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Thursday, February 7, 2013



Life is full of them.      
From our preferred coffee order
to our spiritual pursuits.

As options present themselves
consider your preferred future.

Approach your moment of truth.
(Make a decision.)

Consider a few things:

1. Grab a pen and paper (Or your keyboard). 
Sometimes just getting it out of your head and onto paper will help bring clarity.

2. Ask a friend.
Bouncing ideas off of others helps you see from another angle.

3. Pray.
Why is this often our last step? Shouldn't it be our first? (Enough with the guilt trip huh?)            Bottom line, God will often bring a peace - or - internal pushback to your spirit.

4. Set a time to act.
Nothing like almost making the decision! Instead, set a date. Tell someone. Pull the trigger.

Options minus action are meaningless.


  1. So its an acronym G-A-P-S? I know your slick like that! Fitting, because if we don't follow simple steps like these, then our options or oportunities fall through the GAPS as we are side tracked by selfish ambition, lower priorities or straight-up disobedience. Causing us to miss out on God's ministrys/blessings/options. Good stuff Ports.. thanks for the thoughts.

    1. G-Rod
      You know i'm not that smart. But your point it awesome. Thanks for sharing. Ports
