For one it's spiders, for others it's being alone.
Take a moment.
What do you fear?
How long have you allowed that fear to keep you from acting?
For many, the incapacitating potential of what could happen
is enough to freeze us in our tracks.
Other times it prevents us.
The challenge is to distinguish between those two.
2 questions to consider:
1. Does my fear protect me from pain?
their paralyzing power is undeniable.
That little voice in our head is persistent, isn't it?
Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
How do we silence it?
We can't stop the voices from speaking, but we can determine who we listen to.
While it's good to look to others, don't wait for them.
They may never jump.
"Courage is not the absence of fear;
It's moving forward even while your knees are shaking."
Abraham Lincoln
Let's jump on three: 1, 2, 3.
Good one. Something to think about. Again. Thanks.